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RZ023-2A is a low voltage, infrared low-voltage passive PIR wall mounted switch. It is simple to install and is suitable for many different applications such as garage, home and bathroom. It has a two-stage sensing system that emits a bright, sharp LED when the switch is in its on position. It also has a two-stage shutoff mechanism that prevents it from shutting off while the sensor is in the off position. The two-stage mechanism offers the user with a bright light and a steady close to prevent accidental trips to prevent dangers of tripping.  pir motion sensors  RZ023-2A device can be plugged into an outlet that is suitable for both residential as well as commercial uses. The indicator light on the LED comes on whenever the switch is in on position and turns off when the sensor detects movement.Most people don't want numerous switches within their houses. They could confuse them and cause confusion when returning home at evening. To avoid this, they prefer to use only one motion sensor light switch. This allows family and friends to quickly determine the area the light is intended for when they press the green button.Installing a wall-mounted occupancy sensor light switch within your home is easy and does not require expert assistance. The first step is to locate the correct place in your home. This is especially important if you want to install the switch outside. Once you have found the ideal location, cut holes in the wall with a utility knife and screw the holes into the wall studs. The cable is then screwed through the holes and secure it using staples that are used for utility.Next connect the wire to the wall switch via sensors. The dt sensors can be located about 2.5 meters from the wall switch. Make use of extension cords to connect the cable throughout your home. Turn on  and then move the switch. Continue this process until all the sensors detect the presence of light from your home.Installation is complete! Wait for the light fixtures to illuminate and see what codes they have. Most switches will automatically detect the presence of vacant spaces and emit a siren. If the codes are similar to the ones recorded in the switches then proceed to activate the lights. Turn on the power, and you'll be able rest comfortably.Installing an occupancy sensor on the wall could be daunting. If you're prepared, this simple upgrade will make your home more comfortable and safer. Many homeowners with older light fixtures are struggling to navigate around each room and hallway. Installing motion sensor light switches can make your life easier. You can arm or remove the lights by turning the key.